Recently I've really been finding more and more value from blogs and podcasts. Things, that before last month, I didn't feel much desire to spend my time with. Now I regret not taking advantage of them earlier, there's a lot of good stuff out there. For example, this week, as I read PPC Hero I learned all about the benefits of hiring a PPC agency or team even if you (or your company) already have one in-house.

Generally speaking, companies with a PPC team tend to think they don't ever need to hire outside help because their team already knows the company and is best equipped for company needs. However, this reasoning is flawed, even with an in-house team there is still a lot of benefit to bringing in an agency in many scenarios. Just think, you recently started a large project and suddenly everyone is working overtime to meet a deadline. By hiring out you can limit or even eliminate that overtime. The agency or team you bring in wouldn't replace your team, rather they would work with and assist them. This in turn frees up your people for the most essential tasks.

Another benefit of bringing in an outside agency is their experience. Sure, your team is full of experts. They know the company inside and out. Most may have worked with you for 10+ years. Essentially, they're irreplaceable. But they do lack something. Can you guess what that is? Agencies have broader experience. They've worked with many companies which in turn gives them unique insights. These insights then translate into specialized teams. Teams for essentially every kind of project you might ever think of doing. So when it comes time to try something new, make it a little easier on yourself, hire someone to help show you the ropes and avoid costly mistakes.

There are so many benefits, I could easily list many more. If you haven't already, you really should look at hiring an agency in the future. If not that, then at least build relationships with some of the agencies out there. Maybe you don't need them now, but who knows, one day you might find yourself in dire need of some assistance. Building a relationship now doesn't hurt you, but will definitely help you in the future.


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