How and Why to Use Social Media

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In today’s world Social Media is important, there's no denying this fact. Whether it’s our personal lives or work lives social media is ever present. When used well social media can bring help us keep up with our friends, inform the public about important issues, or even connect us with people we've never met in person before. Social Media is a very powerful tool. With that in mind it's important to know how to use Social Media to help achieve our own personal goals and objectives. I'll specifically focus on using Social Media in a work setting but many of the principles I'll talk about carry over to our personal lives as well. Additionally, keep in mind that the how and why often together when it comes to social media. 


Possibly the biggest and most important thing to understand about Social Media is that it's a two-way form of communication. While I may post a picture on Facebook others are free to comment and let me know their thoughts. This opens the potential for conversation. It may seem like common knowledge, and it really is, but it’s something that I've seen businesses overlook time and time again. Sure, I can post and get X number of shares, likes, and comments but by responding to, and interacting with, my audience I can take things even further than merely increasing my influence or getting a message out there. 

Taking Things further:

Taking Things FurtherNow you might be asking, "what does he mean by taking things even further?" Well I'm glad you asked. When I say taking things further, I'm referring to the potential to proactively react to your audience. For example, pretend you're Nike and you just released a new shoe complete with an amazing social media campaign. While scrolling through the feedback on your various posts, you might notice someone comment about a feature they really want in a product. Or maybe they mentioned a problem they're having. In other words, a pain point. You can then use this newly acquired knowledge to develop or modify a product/campaign to address that pain point. Voila you have your next social media project. Essentially creating a self-sustaining cycle if you're willing to put in the effort.

Don't Limit Yourself

Of course, using social media is great, but it's also important to not limit yourself to just one form of media. Don't jump on Facebook just because everyone else is doing it. You need to find the right social media platform for your own specific needs. Often, you'll want to use more than one social media platform, it really depends on your desired audience. If you want younger people use Instagram. If you do tutorials, then YouTube is a great option. Want to get information out there or just tell a story? Consider creating a blog. There are so many options, don't limit yourself to just one. Really dig into what it is your trying to do and who you're trying to reach.

Use it

But let's be honest, what good is a social media presence if you don't use it frequently? Post frequently, and when you’re not posting interact with your audience. Find their comments and either like or respond to them. Make them feel important, like you care about them personally. Give them some attention and they'll stick with you. Keep feeding them content and you'll give them more opportunities to share that content with their friends.

Be You

There are so many other tips I could give. From what kinds of things to post to how to post. From how to find your target audience to how to recognize your secondary audiences. However, I'll just end with this: Don't limit your yourself by the established rules. Social media changes every day. It's constantly growing and evolving. Go out and invent a few of your own rules. Be the one to find the next big way to use social media. Don't be afraid to try something new, it will set you apart from the competition. 


So, in summary (and for those who want a cliff-notes version)
Do use social media
Do interact with your audience 
Do pay attention to pain points
Don't Limit yourself to one kind of social media
Do use social media frequently
Don't limit yourself to the established rules. Social Media changes every day, go out and find the next big way to use Social Media. 

Most of all, have fun with it!


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