Promoting an Event with Facebook

Have you ever tried to a promote an event on Facebook? I have, and I've noticed one of the biggest struggles can be getting the word out about your event. Thankfully Facebook provides ways to advertise your event before it happens. Even better, Social Media Examiner has a detailed guide on how use those tools to get the biggest audience you can for your events. I've put the link at the end of my post but I figured I'd share one or two things that I personally found useful from their excellent article first.

One of the very first things you should do is create an event hashtag. I know, it seems obvious, but this little thing can go a long way towards promoting your event. Keep it short and keep it simple, but try to create your hashtag so it accurately represents either your event or personal brand. If you want to get a little more creative, you can even even run a competition leading up to your event that uses your hashtag in some unique way. For example a photo contest or getting the largest number of people to tune in to your event. Feel free to offer a prize as extra incentive.

The other thing you can do is run video ads during your event. Specifically video ads aimed at mobile devices. By creating short, attention grabbing ads to run during, or right before, your event you can catch people who maybe weren't aware of the event or who maybe forgot about it. Additionally, designing these ads for mobile devices increases the effectiveness of your reach because people tend to use their phones or other mobile devices a lot.

Of course this isn't the entire list. That can be found on Social Media Examiner's website. But these were two things that really stood out to me as things I haven't really tried before. Here's the link to the full post with the list:(


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