How and Why to Use Social Media
In today’s world Social Media is important , there's no denying this fact. Whether it’s our personal lives or work lives social media is ever present. When used well social media can bring help us keep up with our friends, inform the public about important issues, or even connect us with people we've never met in person before. Social Media is a very powerful tool. With that in mind it's important to know how to use Social Media to help achieve our own personal goals and objectives. I'll specifically focus on using Social Media in a work setting but many of the principles I'll talk about carry over to our personal lives as well. Additionally, keep in mind that the how and why often together when it comes to social media. Two-Way Possibly the biggest and most important thing to understand about Social Media is that it's a two-way form of communication. While I may post a picture on Facebook others are free to comment and let me know their thou...