The Unique Value of a BYU Education

The Question Over the last few days I’ve written and re-written this post probably a dozen times. I’ve gone through so many different versions it’s not even funny. Now, you’re probably wondering, “what on earth could be giving you so much trouble?” Well that’s a great question. Recently I’ve been giving a lot of thought to what unique value I’ve received from my education here at Brigham Young University. In other words, what’s so special about coming to BYU instead of any other school in the world? As I’ve thought about this question, I’ve considered the cultural diversity, unique viewpoints, world views, and much more that BYU has to offer. And yet, every time I finish a draft focusing on one of those truly great things BYU has to offer it’s never felt quite right. A quiet voice in the back of my mind whispers, those are all good, but there is still something you’re missing. Then the other day I was talking with a friend I hadn’t seen since Freshman year. A ...